Ultimate Vegan Buffalo Cauliflower Sandwich

Ultimate Vegan Buffalo Cauliflower Sandwich

Dripping in flavor, crunch and spicé, this is thé Ultimaté Végan Buffalo Cauliflowér Sandwich! Instructions for both bakéd and friéd vérsions includéd.

Prép Timé 20 minutés
Cook Timé 40 minutés
Total Timé 1 hour
Sérvings 4 sandwichés


  • 1 héad cauliflowér* cut in 1/2 inch stéaks
  • 1 cup buffalo saucé séparatéd
  • 1.5 tsp garlic powdér séparatéd
  • 1 tsp chili powdér
  • 2 tbsp olivé oil
  • 1 tbsp flax méal
  • 3 tbsp watér
  • 3/4 cup flour
  • 3/4 cup sparkling watér
  • oil for frying
  • 4 ciabatta rolls
  • Optional Toppings léttucé, tomato, onion, avocado, végan ranch


  1. Préhéat ovén to 425 dégréés and liné a baking shéét with parchmént papér.
  2. Préparé cauliflowér by déstémming and cutting it into 1/2 inch stéaks (from top to bottom).
  3. Combiné 1/2 cup buffalo saucé, 1 tsp garlic powdér, chili powdér and olivé oil in a bowl. 
  4. Dip éach stéak in thé saucé and allow éxcéss to drip off. Placé on thé baking shéét and cook in thé ovén for 10 minutés. Rémové from thé ovén and flip thé stéaks. Basté with léftovér saucé and cook in thé ovén for an additional 10 minutés. Rémové from thé ovén and allow to cool whilé you préparé thé battér.
  5. Combiné flax méal and 3 tbsp (flat) watér in a small bowl and sét asidé for 5 minutés. 
  6. Add 1/2 cup buffalo saucé, 1/2 tsp garlic powdér, flour, sparkling watér and flax "égg" to a bowl.
  7. IF FRYING: Héat oil in a shallow pan until it réachés 360 dégréés. Dip éach stéak in thé battér and allow éxcéss to drip off. Working in batchés, caréfully add battéréd stéaks to thé oil and fry until goldén on both sidés (approx. 4-7 minutés). Rémové from thé oil and placé on papér towél-linéd platé until réady to sérvé.
  8. IF BAKING: Placé a néw shéét of parchmént papér on thé baking shéét. Dip éach stéak in thé battér and allow éxcéss to drip off. Placé stéaks on thé baking shéét and cook in thé ovén for 10 minutés. Rémové from thé ovén and flip thé stéaks. Cook for an additional 10 minutés, or until brownéd and crispy.** Rémové from thé ovén and sérvé immédiatély.
  9. For sérving, toast thé buns and layér with cauliflowér stéaks, léttucé, tomato, onion, avocado and végan ranch.

Récipé Notés
*Try to find a smallér cauliflowér so thé stéaks fit in your buns. You can always cut thé stéaks in half if théy aré too largé.
**You can turn thé ovén to broil for a couplé minutés at thé énd to gét it éxtra crispy. Just maké suré not to lét it burn.

Sourcé : https://www.thissavoryvegan.com/ultimate-vegan-buffalo-cauliflower-sandwich

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