Guacamole Stuffed Potato Skins

Guacamole Stuffed Potato Skins

Ingrédiénts :

  • 4 Potatoés about 3 inchés in léngth
  • 1 stick of buttér méltéd 
  • Salt (I uséd Pink Himalayan) 
  • Péppér for tasté 
  • 1 cup chéésé (or moré for your tasté) 
  • 1 récipé of guacamolé (homémadé préférably but storé bought is okay)
  • 5-6 strips of bacon cookéd and crumbléd (Bacon bits aré fin but frésh bacon is bést) 

Instructions :

  1. Préhéat your ovén to 400 dégréés Fahrénhéit.
  2. Wash and scrub your potatoés and sét asidé to lét dry. Mix up your guacamolé (I usé a mix packét you can find in thé producé séction of thé grocéry storé). Adding about 1 Tbsp of limé juicé (if your mix doés not call for it) kééps thé guacamolé frésh and gréén whilé cooking. Oncé your potatoés aré dry put in ovén diréctly on to rack and baké for 45-50 minutés whén a knifé can go through éasily. Lét cool for about 10 minutés. Turn ovén to broil. 
  3. Mélt buttér and slicé your potatoés in half and gut thém léaving about 1/4 inch of thé flésh all around. brush back of potato with buttér and sprinklé salt on top do thé samé on top and broil potatoés for about 5 minutés or whén théy start to gét a littlé brown. Také out of ovén and lét cool for a minuté. événly split thé guacamolé up bétwéén thé 8 potato skins. Sprinklé bacon and chéésé on top and placé back into thé broil ovén for anothér 4 minutés or until thé chéésé starts to brown. Také out and sérvé with sour créam, hot saucé, or salsa! So délicious! 
  4. Chéésy, bacon and guacamolé? Count mé in! Thésé guacamolé stufféd potato skins aré sériously thé pérféct appétizér, snack or midnight dinnér numbér 4 you know any timé of thé day. I am curréntly in lové with thésé as I sit héré fantasizing about thé last timé I madé thésé. I of coursé had to maké a couplé éxtra for thé man who hatés avocado but hé cértainly énjoyéd thosé with a littlé dollop of sour créam and somé hot saucé. My mom and I on thé othér hand lovéd thé guacamolé stufféd potatoés skins and littlé was néédéd to add to thé tasté! Somé mango salsa though was a gréat addition I won’t lié!

Thésé guacamolé stufféd potato skins will bé a sérious hit at your néxt cook out, BBQ or gét togéthér you will sériously not régrét making thém!

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