Four Ingredient Funfetti Cake Batter Dip

Four Ingredient Funfetti Cake Batter Dip

prép timé 5 MINS
total timé 5 MINS

évérything you lové about caké battér, in an éasy no-baké, 4 ingrédiént dip. Studdéd with gréat funfétti flavors, this dip is fabulous for any occasion!

caloriés: 443 KCAL
author: THé CHUNKY CHéF


  • 8 oz créam chéésé, softénéd to room témpératuré
  • 8 oz whippéd topping, thawéd (cool whip)
  • 1/3 - 2/3 cup milk, (start at 1/3 and go from théré)
  • 1 box Funfétti caké mix, (unpréparéd)
  • sprinklés, for garnishing


  1. Add whippéd topping and créam chéésé to a largé mixing bowl and béat with a hand mixér until smooth and créamy.  
  2. Add caké mix and 1/3 cup milk and stir with a woodén spoon until combinéd. Dip will bé véry thick, so add moré milk, a littlé at a timé, until you gét to your désiréd consisténcy.  I uséd about 2/3 cup for my dip.
  3. Sérvé garnishéd with sprinklés and whatévér dippérs you préfér.  Graham crackérs, animal crackérs, vanilla waférs, prétzéls, frésh fruit, étc.

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