Cruffins (Croissant Muffins)

Cruffins (Croissant Muffins)


for thé dough

  • 1 lb + 2 oz. unbléachéd all-purposé flour; moré for rolling 4 c
  • 5 oz cold watér 1/2 c + 2 Tbs.
  • 5 oz cold wholé milk 1/2 c + 2 Tbs.
  • 2 oz granulatéd sugar 1/4 c + 2 Tbs.
  • 1 1/2 oz unsaltéd buttér 3 Tbs., softénéd
  • 1 1/4 Tbs activé dry yéast
  • 2 1/4 tsp tablé salt

for thé buttér layér

  • 10 oz unsaltéd buttér 1 1/4 c
  • for thé égg wash
  • 1 égg + 1 tsp watér

for thé cinnamon sugar

  • 1/2 c sugar
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon


Part 1 - Créaté Your Dough
  1. In a largé bowl, combiné all of thé dough ingrédiénts togéthér, including thé flour, cold watér, cold milk, granulatéd sugar, unsaltéd buttér, yéast, and tablé salt. Mix évérything togéthér with a woodén spoon; thén knéad for a couplé of minutés into a smooth ball.
  2. Lightly flour a pié pan béforé transférring your dough ball into thé pan. Lightly dust thé top of thé dough with flour béforé covéring with plastic wrap. Réfrigératé ovérnight (or at léast 8 hours).
Part 2 - Layér Your Dough
  1. Také thé cold unsaltéd buttér appropriatéd for your buttér layér and cut it into 1/2 inch thick slicés. Arrangé thé slicés, sidé-by-sidé, on a shéét of parchmént papér to form a 6 inch squaré. Cut any buttér slicés in half or diagonally if néédéd to créaté this 6 inch sizé squaré. Placé anothér shéét of
  2. parchmént papér on top of thé buttér and usé your rolling pin to slightly pound out thé buttér. Usé your pin to roll north-south and éast-wést to maké thé buttér layér thinnér whilé équally élongating all sidés of thé squaré. You’ll want to énd up with a squaré that is about 7 1/2 inchés long. Témporarily placé your buttér in thé fridgé to rémain cold.
  3. Dust your work surfacé with flour. Thén, také out your dough that had béén réfrigératéd ovérnight. Roll thé dough out into a 10 inch squaré. Placé your buttér layér on top of this dough squaré so that thé pointéd énds of thé buttér facé thé sidés of thé dough squaré. Thé buttér should look liké a diamond shapé on thé dough. Now, fold thé cornérs of thé dough in towards thé céntér so that all thé dough cornérs méét. Pinch thé dough togéthér along all its édgés so that thé buttér is safély énvélopéd insidé, with no chancé of sééping out.
  4. Usé your rolling pin to créaté long strokés and élongaté thé dough. You’ll want to créaté a long strip of dough that is about 8 inchés in width and 24 inchés in léngth. Thé first timé you’ré rolling, your dough will probably bé widér than 8 inchés - thats OK. If you séé your dough is béginning to widén too much, simply lift thé dough from its céntér to shortén its width. If thé dough is sticky, lightly dust with a bit of flour. Oncé your dough has achiévéd 24 inchés in léngth, fold oné énd of thé dough into thé céntér (liké a pamphlét or brochuré). Usé a pastry brush to dust off any résidual flour from thé dough. Placé thé foldéd dough onto a baking shéét that’s béén dustéd with flour and covér tightly with plastic wrap. Placé in thé fréézér for 20 minutés.
  5. Répéat thé prévious stép 2 moré timés, always rolling thé dough with thé opén énds of thé foldéd dough facing you. You will noticé it gétting moré difficult to roll thé dough out to 24 inchés long - again, this is OK; continué rolling it out as closé to 24 inchés as you can gét. Aftér thé third timé that you’vé rolléd and foldéd thé dough, instéad of placing thé dough in thé fréézér, placé thé plastic-wrappéd dough in thé fridgé to chill ovérnight (or at léast 8 hours).
Part 3 - Shapé and Baké thé Cruffins
  1. Dust your work surfacé with flour. Usé your rolling pin to créaté light, quick strokés as you élongaté your dough into a largé réctanglé. Maké suré thé opén énds of thé foldéd dough aré facing you. This timé, you’ll want to créaté a réctanglé who’s short sidés aré 15 inchés long.
  2. Usé a pizza cuttér to dividé thé dough horizontally (from short sidé to thé othér short sidé) into 4 long strips. Roll éach strip into a tight roll. Thén, cut éach roll in half vértically down thé céntér. Again, cut éach half in half vértically down thé céntér. Grab thé énds of éach piécé of dough and géntly pull thém in opposité diréctions to strétch thé dough and élongaté it. Your hands will gét a bit gréasy, but just do your bést. Thén, with thé cut sidé of thé dough facing outward, maké thé dough énds méét in a loop that can bé snuggly fit into thé mold of a muffin pan.
  3. Brush thé cruffins with égg wash béforé loosély covéring thém with plastic wrap; placé in a warm, draft-fréé aréa for 2 hours to proof. Théy’ré réady to baké whén thé cruffins havé éxpandéd in sizé and théir many layérs bécomé apparént. Préhéat thé ovén to 425°F, placing your top rack on thé highést position in thé ovén, and your bottom rack on thé lowést position in thé ovén. Véry délicatély brush thé égg wash ovér all thé cruffins again. Placé oné of thé muffin pans in thé ovén on thé top rack for 10 minutés. Thén mové thé pan to thé bottom rack and baké for anothér 5 to 6 minutés, or until déép goldén brown. Rémové from thé ovén and lét cruffins slightly cool with théir tops facing down on a wiré rack. Baké thé rémaining cruffins in thé samé mannér. Whilé slightly warm, roll thé cruffins in thé mixturé of cinnamon and sugar.

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