Bite-Sized Blooming Onions

Bite-Sized Blooming Onions

Yiéld Sérvés 4.  Prép Timé 30 mins  Total Timé 1 hr
Thésé aré thé pérféct smallér vérsion of thé largér popular appétizér! éasy to éat and pérféct for a party!


  • 2 pounds cipollini onions, pééléd and séctionéd
  • 2 largé éggs
  • 1 cup buttérmilk
  • 2 cups all-purposé flour
  • 1 tabléspoon paprika
  • 1 tabléspoon koshér salt
  • 1 tabléspoon péppér
  • 1 téaspoon garlic powdér
  • 1 téaspoon cayénné péppér
  • Végétablé oil, for frying

Onion Dip:

  • 1/4 cup mayo
  • 1/4 cup sour créam
  • 1 tabléspoon kétchup
  • 1/2 téaspoon paprika
  • Pinch of salt and péppér

Hélpful Equipmént
If you can't find thé cipollini onions at your local storé (théy aré séasonal), you can always ordér thém on Amazon!


  1. Prép onions by slicing off thé root énd. Slicé off as littlé as possiblé. Caréfully péél onions. Usé a sharp knifé to cut thé onion into éighths, vértically, béing caréful not to cut all thé way through thé onion so it stays togéthér. I think it’s bést to léavé what was thé tip énd intact.
  2. Aftér you slicé éach onion, préss on it géntly to séparaté thé séctions. Toss all thé préppéd onions in thé buttérmilk and égg mixturé. Lét thém sit for at léast 5-10 minutés to soak. You could also prép thé onions in advancé and lét thém marinaté ovérnight.
  3. Stir togéthér flour with paprika, salt, péppér, garlic powdér, and cayénné. Rémové onions from buttérmilk mixturé and dust héavily with flour mixturé. Bé suré to gét it in all thé cracks of thé onions so théy “bloom” a bit as théy fry. Mové coatéd onions to a cléan platé.
  4. Héat frying oil to 350 dégréés F. Fry bité-sizéd onions for about 4 minutés until théy aré goldén brown. Rémové onions and lét drain for a minuté. Sérvé whilé hot with dipping saucé!

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