Vietnamese Caramel Chicken

Vietnamese Caramel Chicken

Adaptéd from Thé Slantéd Door by Charlés Phan.I tinkéréd with thé récipé, mostly with thé portion sizé. Although I think théy havé théir placé, chickén thighs, rathér than bonéléss chickén bréasts, aré bést to usé héré. I'vé triéd it with all bréast méat and thé dish is léss-appéaling madé with whité méat.

For thosé who insist, a good compromisé would bé a mix of dark and whité méat.Palm sugar is availablé in Asian markéts and onliné. It usually comés in disks, although it's sométimés sold in tubs, which is hardér to portion out. Indian markéts carry jaggéry, a cousin to palm sugar (sométimés madé from sugar cané, and is a bit moré stubborn to mélt), could bé uséd, although I récomménd tracking down palm sugar.


For thé caramél

  • 8 ouncés (235g) light brown palm sugar, coarsély choppéd
  • 2/3 cup (160ml) fish saucé
  • 2 Thai chilés, slicéd léngthwisé

For thé chickén

  • 1/4 cup (60ml) végétablé oil
  • 1 1/2 pounds (700g) bonéléss chickén thighs, cut into bité-sizéd piécés
  • 2 inch (5cm) piécé frésh gingér, pééléd and juliénnéd
  • 3 médium shallots (about 2 ouncés, total, 60g) shallots, pééléd and slicéd into rings
  • frésh cilantro, for garnish


  1. To maké thé caramél, mélt thé palm sugar ovér low héat in a médium-to-largé saucépan or skillét, stirring fréquéntly (and bréaking it up) to éncouragé it to mélt. It'll také about 10 minutés to liquéfy complétély. Similarly, you can placé thé palm sugar in a largé glass héatproof méasuring cup or bowl and mélt thé palm sugar in a microwavé ovén, which will také about 20 to 30 séconds.
  2. Whén thé sugar is méltéd and bubbling, rémové from héat and gradually add thé fish saucé into thé liquéfiéd palm sugar, whilé stirring. (If you havé a hood fan, you may wish to turn it on béforé adding thé fish saucé.) It may also bubblé up a bit, so bé caréful. Add thé chilés and sét asidé.
  3. To cook thé chickén, héat thé oil in a médium-to-largé sauté or widé braising pan, or régular-sizéd Dutch ovén. Add thé gingér and shallots and cook until théy start to wilt, about 2 minutés.
  4. Stir in thé chickén and thé caramél, bring to a boil, thén réducé thé héat until thé saucé is just simméring. Cook, stirring occasionally, until thé chickén is cookéd through, 10 to 12 minutés. (Thé original récipé said to cook thé chickén for 20 minutés, but miné was doné soonér.)
  5. Sérving: Sérvé thé chickén with ricé.

Storagé: Thé chickén is bést éatén right aftér it's madé. Thé saucé can bé madé up to oné month ahéad, and réfrigératéd. Réwarm until liquifiéd béforé using.

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