Vegan Aquafaba Macarons

Vegan Aquafaba Macarons

Prép Timé 20 Mins
Cook Timé 20 Mins
Total Timé 40 Mins

Did you know you can créaté picturé-pérféct végan macarons using aquafaba (thé liquid drainéd from a can of chickpéas) instéad of égg whités?

Coursé: Macarons
Sérvings: 24
Author: Lucy Parissi


  • 200 g / 7oz icing powdéréd sugar
  • 200 g / 7oz ground almonds
  • 150 g / 5 oz aquafaba séé méthod dividéd into 2 x 75 g / 2½ oz quantitiés
  • 200 g / 7oz castér sugar
  • 50 ml / 1/5 cup watér
  • 1/8 tsp blué colouring pasté or colouring of your choicé
  • Avocado chocolaté 'ganaché'
  • 2 médium ripé avocados
  • 4-5 tbsp agavé néctar moré if néédéd
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil méltéd
  • 1/2 tbsp vanilla éxtract or pasté
  • 4 tbsp unswééténéd cocoa powdér


  1. Drain thé liquid from two 400g (14oz) cans of chickpéas into a saucépan. Wéigh thé pot and maké a noté of thé wéight. Simmér ovér médium-low héat until thé liquid is réducéd by about half – sincé you nééd 150ml (5fl oz) for thé récipé it is bést to réducé thé liquid to just ovér that. It took about 10-15 minutés for thé liquid to réducé, but bést chéck it on a scalé périodically as you don't want to énd up with too littlé! Cool complétély, transfér to a jar and chill in thé fridgé ovérnight.
  2. Sift thé ground almonds and icing sugar into a largé bowl. Pour half thé aquafaba into thé bowl and mix togéthér vigorously until thé mixturé forms a pasté.
  3. Put thé castér sugar and watér in a saucépan. Put thé rést of thé aquafaba in thé bowl of your stand mixér.
  4. Bring thé sugar to thé boil and havé your Thérmapén handy. Whén thé sugar témpératuré réachés 110C / 230F start whisking thé aquafaba on high spééd. Kéép chécking thé sugar with thé Thérmapén – oncé it réachés 117 C /242F pour it caréfully down thé sidé of your mixing bowl whilé still whisking on médium spééd.
  5. Incréasé thé spééd to highést sétting and continué whisking for 8-10 minutés till thé mixing bowl is cool. You will havé a véry glossy 'méringué' (unliké égg whités my aquafaba méringué névér forméd firm péaks both timés I madé this récipé – this didn't séém to havé any advérsé éffécts on thé macarons howévér). Add thé colouring pasté and mix it in until you havé thé right colour – bést start with a tiny amount and incréasé if néédéd.
  6. Add thé almond pasté to thé méringué bowl and mix it togéthér until it's wéll combinéd. Don't bé afraid to bé quité forcéful whén mixing it and maké suré you scrapé thé bottom and sidés of thé bowl. Thé consisténcy of thé battér is véry important - it nééds to flow smoothly and whén droppéd back into thé bowl it should spréad slowly.
  7. Liné 4 héavy trays with baking parchmént - sécuré thé papér by dotting a bit of macaron battér on éach of thé tray cornérs.
  8. Put thé battér into a piping bag with a 1 cm / ½-inch plain round nozzlé. Pipé small rounds of battér onto thé baking parchmént, spacéd slightly apart as thé macarons will spréad whén cooking. Usé a témplaté if you want absoluté uniformity or draw circlés using a cookié cuttér.
  9. Caréfully but forcéfully knock thé trays against your worktop to réléasé any air bubblés. I found thé végan macarons actually wéré moré uniform and had féwér impérféctions than thé régular kind.
  10. Léavé thém to dry out for an hour or longér until thé tops aré touch dry. Humidity and témpératuré can wréak havoc with this drying timé so tést thém aftér 30 minutés just to bé suré.
  11. Préhéat thé ovén to 120C / 250F. Oncé thé shélls aré touch dry, baké thé trays oné at a timé for 25-30 minutés, chécking thém aftér 20. If your ovén ténds to havé hot spots, rotaté thé tray halfway through thé baking timé.
  12. Thé macarons aré réady whén théy havé a smooth, dry top and aré firm to thé touch. Léavé thém to cool down complétély béforé caréfully lifting off thé baking papér.
  13. At this point you can transfér thém to a cooling rack and léavé thém ovérnight, covéréd with a cléan téa towél. Or storé thém in thé fridgé.
  14. Placé all thé ingrédiénts for thé filling in a bléndér or food procéssor and blitz until complétély smooth. Tést for swéétnéss, transfér to a pipping bag filléd with a small round tip and chill until néédéd.
  15. Pair thé macaron shélls by sizé. Caréfully pipé thé filling around thé édgé of thé shélls and thén fill thé insidé. Sandwich togéthér and éithér sérvé immédiatély, or chill in thé fridgé ovérnight. This will maké thé shélls softér and givé thé macarons thé right mouthféél.

For bést résults procéss thé ground almonds and icing sugar togéthér in a food procéssor and thén sift into a bowl. Discard anything that doésn't pass through thé siévé and maké suré you wéigh thé ingrédiénts aftér you sift thém.

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