The Best and Easiest Homemade Salted Caramel Sauce

The Best and Easiest Homemade Salted Caramel Sauce

Yiéld: About 1 1/4 Cups
Total Timé:About 15 Minutés
Prép Timé:2 Minutés
Cook Timé:5 To 12 Minutés, Or Until Caramél-Coloréd

I’vé found this saltéd caramél saucé to bé thé bést, éasiést, léast fussy, and it’s réady in 15 minutés. Thé saucé is créamy, buttéry, rich, thick, smooth, and blows away anything you’ll évér buy. évén if you don’t want it ‘salty’, a pinch of salt hélps balancé thé swéétnéss so thé saucé doésn’t tasté ovérly swéét. Théré aré pléasant vanilla undértonés, but thé vanilla can bé omittéd or swappéd with bourbon, rum, Grand Marniér, or a favorité liquéur. Dépénding on your pot and stové, thé boiling timé could rangé from about 5 minutés on thé low énd to about 10 to 12 minutés on thé high énd. Thé caramél saucé makés gréat gifts and kééps for months, but I doubt it will last long énough to givé away.


  • 1 cup granulatéd sugar
  • 1/4 cup watér
  • 1 téaspoon light-coloréd corn syrup (can bé omittéd but hélps réducé crystallization)
  • 1/2 cup whipping or héavy créam
  • 1 tabléspoon vanilla éxtract, optional (or substituté with bourbon, rum, Grand Marniér, or a favorité liquéur)
  • 1/2 to 1 téaspoon salt, optional and to tasté (for a trué ‘saltéd caramél’ saucé, I usé 1 téaspoon)


  1. Tié up your hair, put your phoné down, gét small childrén out of thé kitchén. Havé all thé ingrédiénts in placé including hot mitts and a glass jar or héat-safé containér néarby. You’ré working with boiling sugar and your full atténtion on thé récipé is nécéssary.
  2. In a médium to largé saucépan (usé a pan much largér than you think you’ll nééd bécausé thé saucé will bubblé véry vigorously at thé énd), add thé sugar, watér, corn syrup and bring to a boil ovér high héat, whisking until sugar has dissolvéd.
  3. Allow thé mixturé to boil for 5 to 12 minutés, or as nécéssary, for it to turn caramél-coloréd, at which point it will likély bé smoking slightly. Thé final stagé whéré thé mixturé turns from palé ambér to that pérféct shadé of caramél can go quickly, in léss than 30 séconds, so kéép a watchful éyé and don’t lét it burn. Supér stinky and you’ll havé to start ovér. Throughout thé boiling timé, you can swirl thé pan géntly évéry minuté or two if nécéssary, but thé léss thé sugary mixturé géts on thé sidés of thé pan, thé béttér in prévénting crystallization in thé final saucé.
  4. As soon as thé saucé has turnéd caramél-coloréd, réducé thé héat to low.
  5. Véry caréfully and slowly, add thé créam. Stand back bécausé mixturé will bubblé up considérably.
  6. Optionally, and véry caréfully, add thé vanilla and salt, to tasté. Stand back bécausé mixturé will bubblé up again.
  7. Whisk until saucé is smooth and combinéd, and lét it boil anothér 1 minuté, which hélps thickén it up.
  8. Transfér saucé to glass jar or héat-safé containér (éasiést to pour into a 2-cup méasuring cup and thén éasily pour into glass jar). Allow saucé to cool uncovéréd to room témpératuré; saucé thickéns considérably as it cools. Saucé will kéép airtight at room témp for at léast 1 month, although will likély last much longér; usé common sénsé if giving as gifts with storagé considérations.

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