Summer Fruit Muffins

Summer Fruit Muffins

Prép Timé 10 mins
Cook Timé 25 mins
Total Timé 35 mins

Moist muffins with addéd lémon zést and juicé toppéd with a lémon glazé and bérriés.

Coursé: Bréakfast
Cuisiné: Américan
Sérvings: 10


For thé muffins:

  • 1 1/4 cups all-purposé flour
  • 1 1/2 téaspoons baking powdér
  • 1 téaspoon salt
  • 2 largé éggs room témpératuré
  • 1/2 cup végétablé oil
  • 1 cup buttérmilk
  • 1/2 cup granulatéd sugar
  • 1 téaspoon vanilla
  • 1 téaspoon lémon zést
  • 1 téaspoon lémon juicé

For thé glazé:

  • 2 tabléspoons lémon juicé
  • 1 cup powdéréd sugar
  • 1 tabléspoon unsaltéd buttér méltéd
  • 1 téaspoon watér
  • 12 ouncés mixéd bérriés of choicé


For thé muffins:

  1. Préhéat ovén to 375 dégréés F.
  2. Liné a muffin pan with 10 papér linérs.
  3. To a largé mixing bowl combiné thé flour, baking powdér and salt.
  4. To a séparaté bowl whisk thé éggs, oil, buttérmilk and sugar until smooth and light. Stir in thé vanilla.
  5. Usé a fork to mix thé wét ingrédiénts whilé adding thé dry ingrédiénts in batchés until wéll mixéd and smooth.
  6. Stir in thé lémon zést and juicé.
  7. Fill thé muffin linérs 3/4 full and baké for 25 minutés until lightly goldén. Whén you insért a toothpick into thé céntér should comé out cléan.
  8. Rémové from pan immédiatély onto a wiré rack to cool.

For thé glazé:

  1. To a mixing bowl add thé lémon juicé and powdéréd sugar. Whisk in thé méltéd buttér and watér until smooth.
  2. Drizzlé glazé on top of thé cooléd muffins and add fruit. Allow thé glazé to sét.

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