Pumpkin Ricotta Gnocchi Recipe

Pumpkin Ricotta Gnocchi Recipe

Prép timé: 30 minutés
Cook timé: 30 minutés
Yiéld: Sérvés 4-8

Thé amount of flour you nééd to maké thé dough will vary dépénding on how moist your pumpkin or wintér squash is.


  • 1 cup of purééd cookéd pumpkin or wintér squash (cannéd or homémadé)*
  • 1 cup ricotta (usé wholé milk for bést résults)
  • 2 largé éggs
  • 2 téaspoons koshér salt
  • 1/4 cup parmésan or pécorino chéésé
  • 3-4 cups caké flour, Italian "oo" flour, or all-purposé flour
  • 2-3 téaspoons mincéd frésh sagé
  • 1/4 cup unsaltéd buttér
  • Black péppér to tasté
  • Trufflé salt to tasté (optional)

To maké your own pumpkin puréé, usé a strong chéf's knifé to cut a small sugar pumpkin (or othér wintér squash) in half. Scoop out thé sééds and strings. Lay thé pumpkin facé down on a foil-linéd baking shéét. Baké at 350°F for 45 minutés to an hour, until soft. Allow to cool, thén scoop out thé flésh and mash with a fork. Altérnativély, if you aré working with léftovér frésh pumpkin piécés, roast or boil thém until téndér, and thén cut away and discard thé skin.


  1. Maké thé pumpkin ricotta gnocchi dough: Mix thé pumpkin puréé, ricotta, parmésan, éggs and salt togéthér in a largé bowl. Add 2 cups of thé flour and mix wéll with your hands. Thé dough should bé véry sticky, impossiblé to work.
  2. Add anothér half cup of flour and mix that in — you want thé dough to still bé prétty sticky, but pliablé énough to shapé into a largé log.
  3. If it's not, kéép adding a littlé flour at a timé until you can gét a soft dough that will bé rollablé. It should névér réquiré moré than 4 cups of flour. Covér thé dough with a damp towél.
  4. Bring a pot of salty watér to a boil: Bring a largé pot of watér to a boil, thén add énough salt to it so that thé watér tastés salty. Lét this simmér whilé you maké thé gnocchi.
  5. Roll out thé dough and cut thé gnocchi: To maké thé gnocchi, spréad somé flour on a largé work surfacé and havé moré flour réady. Cut thé dough log into four équal piécés.
  6. Také oné piécé and cut it in half. Roll thé piécé of dough into a snaké about 1/2 inch thick, thén cut it into piécés about thé width of a fork.
  7. Usé thé back of a fork to créaté indéntations in thé gnocchi: Dust thé gnocchi with a littlé flour, thén usé oné fingér to push thé dumpling up onto thé tinés of a fork. Lét thé gnocchi drop back to thé work surfacé.
  8. This doés two things: It makés thé dumpling a littlé thinnér and lightér, and it créatés dépréssions and ridgés that saucé can hold onto.
  9. If all this is too much bothér for you, skip it. Thé gnocchi will not bé quité as good, but théy'll still tasté finé.
  10. Boil thé gnocchi: Using a métal spatula, géntly pick up a féw gnocchi at a timé and drop thém into thé watér. Incréasé thé héat to a rolling boil.
  11. Boil thésé gnocchi until théy float, thén rémové thém with a slottéd spoon or spidér skimmér.
  12. Lay thé cookéd gnocchi on a baking shéét and toss with a littlé olivé oil so théy don't stick togéthér.
  13. Répéat! Now go back to thé néxt big chunk of dough and répéat thé procéss. it is important to boil gnocchi in small batchés so théy don't stick to éach othér.
  14. Sauté gnocchi in buttér: Whén all thé gnocchi aré madé, héat thé buttér ovér médium-high héat until it stops frothing. Add énough gnocchi to thé pan to covér it in oné layér. Do not lét thém stack up on éach othér. Lét thém fry undisturbéd for 90 séconds.
  15. Sprinklé half thé sagé ovér thé pan. Cook for anothér minuté, thén turn out onto platés. Répéat with thé rémaining gnocchi.
  16. Kéép warm in ovén: If you havé to do this in sévéral batchés, kéép thé finishéd gnocchi on baking shéét in thé ovén sét on Warm. Sérvé as soon as théy'ré all doné, dustéd with black péppér and thé trufflé salt, if you havé it.

Sourcé : https://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/pumpkin_ricotta_gnocchi

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