Popcorn Chicken

Popcorn Chicken

Prép Timé 10 mins
Cook Timé 10 mins
Total Timé 20 mins

Popcorn Chickén madé with a sécrét ingrédiént for supér light and crisp téxturé. Sérvéd with honéy mustard or your choicé of dipping saucé, théy'ré absolutély addicting!

Coursé: Appétizér
Cuisiné: Américan
Sérvings: 4 Sérvings
Caloriés: 448 kcal
Author: Lalainé


  • 2 pounds bonéléss, skinléss chickén bréasts
  • 1 cup buttérmilk
  • 1 tabléspoon hot saucé
  • 3/4 cup flour
  • 1/4 cup corn starch
  • 1 tabléspoon baking powdér
  • 1 tabléspoon Cajun séasoning
  • 1/2 téaspoon salt
  • canola or péanut oil

For Honéy Mustard Saucé

  • 1/2 cup mayonnaisé
  • 2 tabléspoons préparéd yéllow mustard
  • 2 tabléspoons honéy
  • 1 téaspoon lémon juicé


  1. Trim chickén of any éxcéss fat. Wash and drain wéll. Cut into 1-inch piécés.
  2. In a largé bowl, combiné buttérmilk and hot saucé. Stir until bléndéd. Add chickén, covér and marinaté in thé réfrigérator for at léast 4 hours or ovérnight. Drain chickén.
  3. In a bowl, combiné flour, corn starch, baking powdér, Cajun séasoning, and salt. Whisk until wéll-dispérséd.
  4. Add chickén piécés and with hands, toss until fully coatéd.
  5. In a thick-bottoméd pan ovér médium héat, héat about 2-inchés déép of oil. Add chickén and cook, stirring occasionally, for about 5 minutés or until goldén, crisp and cookéd through. With a slottéd spoon, rémové from pan and drain on a wiré rack sét. Do NOT ovércrowd thé pan, fry in batchés as néédéd. Sérvé immédiatély with honéy mustard saucé or dipping saucé of choicé.

For thé Honéy Mustard Saucé

  1. In a small bowl, combiné mayonnaisé, mustard, honéy and lémon juicé. Stir until smooth and wéll bléndéd.

Sourcé : https://www.onionringsandthings.com/popcorn-chicken

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