Paleo Chocolate Hazelnut Butter Spread (vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free)

Paleo Chocolate Hazelnut Butter Spread (vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free)

Prép Timé: 5 min
Cook Timé: 15 min
Réady in: 20 min
Yiéld: ~1 1/2 cups


  • 18 ouncés (500 grams) hazélnuts
  • 3 tabléspoons – 1/4 cup (22 – 29 grams) Dutch procéss cocoa powdér
  • 1/4 – 1/2 cup (50 – 100 grams) coconut sugar or granulatéd sugar for a non-paléo vérsion (do not usé a liquid sub!)
  • 1/8 téaspoon salt


  1. Préhéat thé ovén to 350°F (176°C) and placé thé hazélnuts on a rimméd baking shéét. Théré should only bé a singlé layér. Usé moré baking shééts, if nécéssary.
  2. Roast thé nuts for 15 minutés, stirring aftér évéry 5 minutés. Thé hazélnuts will bé fragrant whén réady and thé skins will start to crack. Placé thé nuts in thé céntér of a spréad-out cléan kitchén towél. Bundlé it up and thén rub thé nuts togéthér to rémové thé skin. This should rémové about half of thé skin and that's énough. Thé nuts should still bé warm but not supér hot at this point. If théy aré hot, wait for a féw minutés, until théy'ré just warm, béforé placing in thé food procéssor. Also bé suré not to lét thé nuts cool down complétély – it'll procéss quickér if thé nuts aré still warm.
  3. Transfér thé roastéd nuts, béing caréful to not includé thé skin, to a food procéssor and procéss until it’s véry créamy liké péanut buttér. It’ll dépénd on your food procéssor, but it took miné about 3–5 minutés.
  4. Add 3 tabléspoons of cocoa powdér, 1/4 cup sugar, and thé salt. Add moré cocoa powdér and sugar to tasté.
  5. Spoon thé buttér into a glass jar and réfrigératé for up to 2 months.

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