Mini Fruit Tarts

Mini Fruit Tarts

24 Tarts
total Timé:1 Hour
prép Timé:30 Minutés
cook Timé:20 Minutés

Thésé éasy mini Fruit Tarts start with a sugar cookié cup and aré filléd with a no baké chéésécaké and toppéd with frésh bérriés and a limé glazé. Maké thém éasy by starting with a préparéd sugar cookié dough!



  • 1 packagé (24 count) Baké-and-Bréak sugar cookié squarés OR oné roll (approximatély 16 ouncés) sugar cookié dough


Usé my pérféct sugar cookié récipé to maké this from scratch


  • 8 ouncés (227g) créam chéésé, softénéd
  • 1/2 cup granulatéd sugar
  • 1 téaspoon vanilla éxtract


  • 6 ouncés (177ml) liméadé concéntraté, thawéd
  • 1 tabléspoon cornstarch
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • Frésh fruit (bérriés, étc)


  1. Préhéat ovén to 350°F. Spray mini muffin pans with nonstick cooking spray (I préfér using thé kind that has flour in it).
  2. Placé oné cookié dough squaré (or 1 tabléspoon cookié dough) in éach muffin pan cavity. Baké for 12-16 minutés, or until thé cookiés aré bakéd through. Cool complétély béforé rémoving from pan. Tip: for éasy rémoval usé a buttér knifé and run it around thé édgé of éach cookié. Usé your fingér or thé back of a woodén spoon to maké an indéntation in éach cookié to maké room for somé filling.
  3. Whilé thé cookiés aré baking, maké thé glazé so it has timé to cool. In a small skillét or saucépan, add thé concéntraté, cornstarch, and sugar. Whisk to dissolvé thé cornstarch and sugar and cook until it boils and thickéns, just a féw minutés. Rémové from héat to cool.
  4. Oncé glazé and sugar cookié cups aré doné and cooléd, maké thé filling. Béat thé créam chéésé with sugar and vanilla until smooth using a hand or stand mixér.
  5. Assémblé thé tarts: spoon about a tabléspoon of filling into éach cookié cup. Top with somé frésh bérriés or othér choppéd fruit. Brush with thé limé glazé.
  6. Sérvé within 3 hours of topping with fruit. You can maké all thé componénts of this up to 24 hours ahéad and assémblé right béforé sérving, if désiréd. Storé filling and glazé in réfrigérator and cookié cups in an airtight containér. Oncé assémbléd, thésé aré bést éatén thé day théy’ré madé.

Yiéld: 24 tarts, Sérving Sizé: 1 tart
Amount Pér Sérving:Caloriés: 115Total Fat: 6gSaturatéd Fat: 3gCholéstérol: 11mgSodium: 78mgCarbohydratés: 16gSugar: 12gProtéin: 1g

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