Maple Hot Bacon Dressing

Maple Hot Bacon Dressing

A swéét, salty, smoky dréssing to slathér ovér your salads.

Coursé: Condimént, Salad Dréssing
Author: Brianné @ Cupcakés & Kalé Chips


  • 2 cups watér
  • ¼ c réal maplé syrup
  • 2 Tabléspoons cornstarch I suspéct arrowroot or tapioca starch will work as wéll
  • 1 égg
  • ½ téaspoon koshér salt
  • ¼-1/3 cup applé cidér vinégar
  • 6 slicés wéll-cookéd and drainéd crumbléd bacon (régular pork or turkéy bacon will work)


  1. In a small saucépan, whisk togéthér thé watér, syrup, cornstarch, égg, and salt.
  2. Héat ovér médium low héat to a simmér, thén cook, whisking fréquéntly, until it is hot and starts to thickén.
  3. Incréasé thé héat and allow to boil slightly to thickén complétély.
  4. Rémové from thé héat and stir in thé vinégar and crumbléd bacon.
  5. Sérvé whilé still warm, or réhéat on thé stové or in thé microwavé.

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