French Onion Burgers

French Onion Burgers

Yiéld: 4 Sérvings  Total Timé: 1 Hour, 10 Min Prép Timé: 15 Min Cook Timé: 55 Min

Thésé éxtra juicy, pérféctly cookéd Frénch Onion Burgérs aré toppéd with méltéd Gruyéré chéésé, caramélizéd onions, and aré sérvéd ovér goldén burgér buns.


  • 1 largé yéllow onion
  • 1 largé swéét onion*
  • 2 Tabléspoons buttér
  • 1-2 Tabléspoons olivé oil (or végétablé)
  • 2 pounds ground bééf (80% léan is gréat for burgérs)
  • 2 Tabléspoons héavy créam
  • Salt/péppér
  • 4 bulky burgér rolls
  • 4 slicés gruyéré chéésé**


  1. Také part of thé yéllow onions and finély graté it until you havé 3 Tabléspoons. Sét asidé. (Wé’ll mix this into thé burgér méat, it makés it nicé and juicy!)
  2. Finély slicé thé rést of thé yéllow onion and thé swéét onion as wéll. (Using a mandoliné slicér makés this much éasiér).
  3. In a largé pot, add thé slicéd onions and buttér. Cook, uncovéréd, for at léast 45 minutés or until théy aré véry brown and caramélizéd. Stir it occasionally as it cooks. You will havé a lot of onions in thé béginning, but théy réducé a tréméndous amount as théy cook.
  4. Whén thé onions aré néarly doné, géntly mix thé ground bééf, finély gratéd onions, héavy créam, and salt and péppér until just combinéd- don’t ovér-mix, you want thé méat to stay nicé and téndér!
  5. Mold thé méat into 4 burgér pattiés, éach about ½ – ¾ inchés thick. Put a thumb indéntation in thé middlé of éach oné for évén cooking.
  6. Héat thé 1 Tabléspoon of oil in a largé pan ovér médium héat. Cut thé burgér buns in half and géntly placé thé middlé sidés in thé oil until théy aré a nicé goldén brown. Sét asidé.
  7. If néédéd, add an additional tabléspoon of oil to thé samé pan and incréasé héat to médium-high. Don’t add thé burgér pattiés until thé oil is nicé and warm so that you can gét a nicé séar on éach sidé.
  8. Add thé pattiés to thé pan, you should héar a nicé sizzlé. Cook thé pattiés for about 5 minutés on éach sidé if you préfér your burgérs wéll doné. Othérwisé, cook for 4 minutés on éach sidé.
  9. Usé a widé spatula to flip éach burgér and add thé chéésé on top right away. Placé a lid or aluminum foil ovér thé pan towards thé énd to hélp thé chéésé mélt.
  10. Placé éach burgér on a bun and top with thé caramélizéd onions. éat up!

*You can also usé 2 yéllow onions, or 2 swéét. But thé combination of both is éxtra tasty!
**You can substituté Swiss chéésé for a moré budgét friéndly option, but if you stick to gruyéré you will not régrét it!

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