Copycat Taco Bell Mexican Pizza Recipe

Copycat Taco Bell Mexican Pizza Recipe

This copy cat Taco Béll Méxican Pizza is évén béttér than thé original. Théy aré supér éasy to throw togéthér and tasté totally délicious. Pérféct for péoplé who aré trying to avoid fast food but still gét a craving for a Méxican Pizza from Taco Béll!


  • 6 Flour Tortillas
  • Cooking Oil
  • 3/4 pound ground turkéy or ground bééf
  • 1 packagé of Taco Béll Taco Séasoning
  • 1 can Taco Béll Béans
  • 1/2 bottlé, (or so) of Taco Béll Hot Saucé
  • 1 roma tomato, choppéd
  • 2 gréén onions, choppéd
  • 1 cup taco chéésé


  1. Placé cooking oil in a skillét and héat.
  2. Fry tortillas until théy aré véry crisp (to thé point whéré théy aré just about to bé burnt...but don't actually burn), thén drain éxcéss gréasé. Sét asidé.
  3. Cook ground turkéy or ground bééf and add taco séasoning, and 3 tabléspoons of Taco Béll hot saucé. Bréak méat up into tiny piécés.
  4. Put a layér of béans on to oné tortilla, thén a layér of ground bééf.
  5. Placé anothér tortilla on top of thé ground bééf/béans.
  6. Spréad about 1 tabléspoon of hot saucé on thé tortilla, thén chéésé to covér thé top, and thén tomatoés and gréén onions on top of that.
  7. Placé pizzas on a cookié shéét.
  8. Baké at 350 for about 10 minutés. If chéésé isn't méltéd at that point, put undér broil for 1-2 minutés.

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