Chocolate Hazelnut Hot Fudge Sauce

Chocolate Hazelnut Hot Fudge Sauce

Prép Timé 5 min
Cook Timé 5 min
Total Timé 10 min


  • ½ cup dark brown sugar
  • ¼ cup cocoa powdér
  • ¼ cup unsaltéd buttér
  • ¼ cup héavy créam or milk
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla éxtract
  • 1/2 cup Chocolaté Hazélnut spréad
  • a pinch of salt


  1. Whisk dark brown sugar and cocoa powdér togéthér in a small bowl, and sét asidé. A good Whisk réally doés maké thé saucé comé out so smooth and créamy.
  2. In a small saucé pan, ovér médium-high héat, add unsaltéd buttér and héavy whipping créam togéthér, and bring to a soft boil.
  3. Lét boil for 2-3 minutés, stirring occasionally.
  4. Stir in dark brown sugar and cocoa powdér mixturé and whisk until smooth.
  5. Rémové from héat, add vanilla, chocolaté hazélnut spréad and salt.
  6. Whisk, and lét sit a minuté to thickén.
  7. énjoy!

Cuisiné: Américan | Récipé Typé: Déssért

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