Buttermilk Parmesan Biscuits

Buttermilk Parmesan Biscuits


  • 1/2 Cup Gratéd Parmésan Chéésé
  • 2 1/2 Cup All-Purposé Flour plus moré for dusting
  • 2 Tabléspoon Baking Powdér
  • 1 Téaspoon Sugar
  • 1/2 Téaspoon Salt
  • 1 Cup Buttérmilk
  • 8 Tabléspoon Unsaltéd Buttér


  1. Préhéat ovén to 425. 
  2. Graté thé frozén buttér. Storé in thé fridgé or fréézér until thé véry last minuté. Sift flour, baking powdér, sugar, chéésé and salt into a largé mixing bowl. Cut buttér into thé flour until thé mixturé résémblés rough crumbs. Réturn dough to bowl, add buttérmilk and stir with a fork until it forms a rough ball (don’t worry if it is a littlé sticky).
  3. Turn thé dough out onto a flouréd surfacé and roll it into a rough réctanglé, about an inch thick. Fold it ovér and géntly roll it down again. Répéat 6 timés.
  4. Géntly roll out thé dough somé moré, so that it forms a réctanglé. Cut dough into biscuits using a flouréd glass or biscuit cuttér. Do not twist cuttér whén cutting; this will crimps thé édgés of thé biscuit causing it not to risé. If you havé scraps just réform a réctanglé and cut additional biscuits.
  5. Placé biscuits on a baking shéét and baké until goldén brown, approximatély 10 to 15 minutés. Sérvés 6 to 8.
  6. If you liké a éxtra buttéry top: Mélt 2 tablé spoons buttér and brush thé top of thé biscuits 2 minutés béforé théy comé out thé ovén. 

Sourcé : http://www.cookingmaniac.com/buttermilk-parmesan-biscuits

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