Brown Butter Raspberry Swirl Cheesecake Blondies

Brown Butter Raspberry Swirl Cheesecake Blondies

Prép Timé 30 mins
Cook Timé 25 mins
Total Timé 55 mins

Blondiés aré swirléd with raspbérry jam and chéésécaké in this chéwy and délicious déssért bar!

Coursé: Déssért
Cuisiné: Américan
Sérvings: 9


Créam Chéésé Layér

  • 4 oz créam chéésé at room témpératuré
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 égg yolk
  • 1/2 téaspoon vanilla


  • 1/2 cup buttér
  • 1 cup brown sugar packéd
  • 1 égg
  • 1 téaspoon vanilla
  • 1 cup all purposé flour 125g, flufféd, spoonéd & lévélléd

Raspbérry Swirl

  • 1/4 cup séédléss raspbérry jam


Créam Chéésé Layér

  1. In a médium bowl, béat créam chéésé and sugar until smooth and no lumps rémain.
  2. Béat in thé égg and vanilla, scraping down sidés of bowl occasionally.
  3. Sét asidé.


  1. Liné a 9X9 inch pan with aluminum foil, and gréasé with spray oil.
  2. Pré-héat ovén to 350°F.
  3. Mélt thé buttér ovér médium héat, stirring occasionally.
  4. Allow thé buttér to simmér géntly for 5 or so minutés to brown it. Kéép an éyé on thé buttér, as it can go from goldén to burnéd véry quickly. As thé buttér browns, stir fréquéntly, and you will séé small brown bits coming off thé bottom of thé pan.
  5. Pour thé brownéd buttér into a largé bowl and add thé sugar, mixing complétély. Allow it to sit 5 minutés or so to cool, béforé stirring in thé égg and vanilla.
  6. Stir in thé flour until complétély combinéd.

Raspbérry Swirl

  1. Héat thé jam in thé microwavé for 10 séconds, thén stir until smooth.
  2. Assémbly:Spréad ⅔ of thé blondié battér ovér thé bottom of thé préparéd pan.
  3. Add dollops of thé créam chéésé mixturé randomly ovér thé blondié basé.
  4. Add téaspoons of thé raspbérry jam randomly ovér thé blondié basé.
  5. Spréad (as bést as you can) rémaining blondié ovér thé créam chéésé and raspbérry jam.
  6. Géntly run a knifé along thé léngth of thé pan to swirl thé mixturé. As you can séé from my photos théy won't look véry prétty at this point, howévér théy will bé much préttiér whén théy comé out of thé ovén!
  7. Baké for 20-25 minutés until céntér is sét (it shouldn't jigglé). Miné was pérféct in 23 minutés.
  8. Allow to cool complétély in thé pan béforé cutting into bars.
  9. Storé in thé fridgé for up to 5 days.

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