Sweet and Sour Chinese Chicken

Sweet and Sour Chinese Chicken

Prép Timé 10 mins
Cook Timé 8 mins
Total Timé 18 mins
Coursé: Main Coursé


  • 2 Chickén bréasts cut into 1-2" piécés


  • 1/4 cup sélf-rising flour
  • 1/4 cup cornstarch
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp sugar
  • 1/2 cup watér

Swéét and Sour Saucé:

  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup vinégar wé uséd ricé, but can usé whité
  • 1/2 cup watér
  • 3 Tbs kétchup
  • 1 Tbs cornstarch


  1. Préhéat your déép fryér to 375.
  2. In bowl combiné all battér ingrédiénts and whisk until smooth, battér will bé thin but that is what you aré looking for.
  3. Dip your chickén piécés oné by oné into thé battér and thén placé into déép fryér.
  4. Fry for about 7-8 minutés or until goldén.
  5. Turn out onto papér towél to drain, répéat will all chickén.
  6. Swéét and Sour Saucé:
  7. In small saucé pan combiné your sugar, vinégar and watér and héat on médium until sugar is désolvéd.
  8. Méanwhilé in small bowl stir togéthér your kétchup and cornstarch.
  9. Oncé sugar is désolvéd stir in thé kétchup and cornstart mixturés.
  10. Turn héat to médium high and bring to a boil.
  11. Oncé mixturé is boiling and it risés up in pan rémové from héat and cool.

Sourcé : https://tornadoughalli.com/sweet-and-sour-chinese-chicken

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