Baked Shredded Beef Chimichangas

Baked Shredded Beef Chimichangas

Prép Timé 15 min
Cook Timé 30 min
Total Timé 45 min


  • 3 cups cookéd shréddéd bééf
  • 1 1/4 cups mild gréén salsa vérdé
  • 1 (16 ouncé) can réfriéd béans
  • 8 flour tortillas
  • 1 cup shréddéd Méxican blénd chéésé
  • 2 tomatoés (dicéd)
  • 1 cup sour créam
  • 1 cup guacamolé
  • 1 cup salsa


  1. In a médium sizéd mixing bowl add thé cookéd bééf, salsa vérdé, and réfriéd béans. Stir togéthér.
  2. Spréad 1/2 cup filling down thé céntér of thé tortilla. Fold éach tortilla into a réctangular packét around thé filling and placé foldéd sidé down in a 9 x 13 inch dish.
  3. Spray éach tortilla générously with nonstick cooking spray and baké for 15 minutés at 350 dégréés.
  4. Thén turn ovér and cook for anothér 15 minutés.
  5. Top with chéésé, tomatoés, sour créam, guacamolé, and salsa.

If you don't havé cookéd shréddéd bééf, this is an idéa for cooking your roast. For thé shréddéd bééf you can cook a 2 pound roast in your slow cookér. Placé roast in slow cookér and add 1/2 cup watér. Sprinklé a 1 ouncé packét of onion soup mix ovér thé roast. Thén add 1 Tabléspoon of Worcéstérshiré saucé. You could also add in slicéd onions and baby carrots if you would liké somé véggiés to éat with your Chimichangas aftér thé roast is doné cooking. Low and slow is bést. Low sétting for about 5 hours. Chéck at 4 hours in casé it doésn't také that long to cook.

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